Unvaccinated and Proud

Some people assume those who haven’t gotten COVID shots are anti-vaxxers that don’t care about their neighbors.

Republicans refusing to get vaccinated are owning no one but themselves

What used to be the conservative movement in this country is becoming a death cult. The measure of its power is less in ballots cast than in how many people die needlessly in service of this twisted worldview.

Eugene Robinson

My question for Eugene is this: If you’re vaccinated then why are you afraid of the unvaccinated? Do you think the vaccine doesn’t work as well as advertised? We’re no threat to you.

Those of us who choose not to get vaccinated are not trying to own anyone. We do not want to be part of an experiment. None of the current shots are fully FDA approved. Until we have a fully approved vaccine, I will not be getting a shot.

Not Sick All Year

People who haven’t been sick all year are willing to get sick from a shot to feel protected from something that hasn’t made them sick all year? 🤦‍♂️

What makes even less sense is that the CDC says you can still get sick, and you must continue to wear a mask. 🤯

The coronavirus vaccine may only prevent symptoms, not block the virus, Dr. Fauci says

from TrommTimes https://ift.tt/2zlR9D2