Full Statement from the Governors

The Struggle for Control

How Both Republicans and Democrats Seek to Control Your Life

In the world of American politics, it often seems that the battle lines are clearly drawn between Republicans and Democrats. While their policy stances may differ on various issues, there is a common thread that binds them together: the desire for control. Both major political parties strive to shape and influence the lives of individuals, sometimes leading to concerns about personal freedom and individual autonomy.

The Republican Party has long been associated with the principles of limited government and individual liberty. However, this does not mean that Republicans are immune to the urge to control certain aspects of people’s lives. For example, many Republicans advocate for strict regulations on issues such as drug use, gambling, and even certain forms of entertainment. They argue that these measures are necessary to protect societal values and promote moral behavior. While these intentions may be well-meaning, they raise questions about personal choice and the role of government in dictating individual decisions.

Additionally, Republicans often push for increased surveillance and security measures in the name of national security and public safety. While these efforts aim to protect citizens from potential threats, they can inadvertently infringe upon privacy rights and civil liberties. The balance between security and personal freedom is a delicate one, and the Republican Party’s stance on these issues can lead to concerns about encroachment on individual lives.


from http://twitter.com/jasontromm

Who is worthy?

This news article is a few years old, but the headline is relevant today. 🐝

Asgardian Immigrant Only One Found Worthy Of Wielding Congressional Gavel

Why do people assume there are only two choices? Imagine what would happen if @elonmusk announced he was joining the Libertarian Party.

from http://twitter.com/jasontromm

The Memo Is Released

Now that Nunes has Released the Memo there is ample evidence to believe there is a Deep State within the FBI and other intelligence agencies like the NSA. There are people within the Deep State who did not want Trump to be President and they are still actively working to undermine him.

Donald Trump says ‘a lot of people should be ashamed’ as he approves release of FBI memo

from TrommTimes via IFTTT

Yeah, That Should Work

Here's your sign...

What do Democrats have to run on in 2018? Just the same old accusations that the GOP is full of white supremacists (which is totally not true)
from TrommTimes via IFTTT

You Don’t Understand the Problem

If you fear Donald Trump, there’s a larger problem here

Donald Trump holds up and executive order for border security and immigration enforcement
Donald Trump holds up and executive order

Republicans: If you think things are going to magically get better now, you don’t understand the problem.

Democrats: If you’re afraid of Donald Trump, you don’t understand the problem.

The problem is an expanding federal government and an executive branch that seized too much power over the last 8 years.

Rand Paul on Gay Marriage

Rand Paul was given very little time to speak in the first GOP debate, but he did have this great quote:

“I don’t want my marriage or my guns registered in Washington. If people have an opinion, it’s a religious opinion that is heart-felt, obviously they should be allowed to practice that, and no government should be allowed to interfere with that. … When the government tries to invade the church to enforce its own opinion on marriage, that’s when it’s time to resist.

Lindsey Graham, Embarassing

Lindsey GrahamElection 2016 is an embarrassment to the State of South Carolina. He violates Ronald Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment every chance he gets by attacking Rand Paul. He doesn’t vote in our best interests. He wanted to keep the PATRIOT act and continue to allow the NSA to spy on us.

I really think the only reason he’s running for President is to try to knock Rand Paul out of the race. My prediction: He will lose in his home state and drop out of the race soon after.
Continue reading Lindsey Graham, Embarassing