About Affirmative Action

A black woman’s perspective

US Supreme Court has officially struck down affirmative action in college admissions. Here’s a ton of great reasons why that’s a great idea.

  1. Diversity of skin color is not true diversity. It’s superficial. If you’re looking for real diversity, look for diversity in values, opinions, and achievements.
  2. When you use affirmative action policies, you are robbing students of color of their achievements. They now get to wonder, “Did I get in because of my race or because I deserve to be here?”
  3. You can actually bring about more racism with affirmative action policies because now white students look at students of color and think they got in because of their race. And if they look at the evidence in some of these cases, they’d be right.
  4. Asian and white students have to have far better academic standing in order to get into the same colleges as their black, Hispanic, and native counterparts.
  5. This country and its colleges discriminated against people of color. That’s a fact. Nobody can deny it. But we do not fix past discrimination with current discrimination. That is antithetical to the very values of this country.

If you want to see progress in America, you should fight for a race-neutral future. ~Amala Ekpunobi

I never thought we’d see the day when the U.S. President deputizes the DOJ to arrest his lead rival in the middle of an election. Obama shamefully tried to deputize the FBI to infiltrate Trump’s 2016 campaign, but they’re leaving nothing to chance this time around: the federal police state is outright arresting Trump.

This is an affront to every citizen: we cannot devolve into a banana republic where the party in power uses police force to arrest its political opponents. It’s hypocritical for the DOJ to selectively prosecute Trump but not Biden.

There are also serious legal questions about the President’s power to declassify documents and the potential illegality of the over-classification of federal documents in the first place. That’s for the courts to decide, but we the people decide who governs this nation.

It would be much easier for me to win this election if Trump weren’t in the race, but I stand for principles over politics. I commit to pardon Trump promptly on January 20, 2025 and to restore the rule of law in our country.

Fascist Cowards

Assumed Guilty

Nancy Pelosi needs a refresher on the American Constitution.

Twitter Censorship

The media only reports the facts as they fit their pre-determined narrative.